Deck Power Level Indicators in Huge Leaders

As each player prepares his or her own deck for a game, one must consider the differences in deck power levels within the same game. When decks in the same game are of varying strengths, there is a risk that the strongest deck will win the game very early in the turn, thus spoiling the playing experience for the other players. This is a problem in the Commander, and it is the same in Huge Leaders.
Two power levels are defined in Huge Leaders.

The first power level is “Colossal,” which applies only to cards that are not on the banned list, and the second is “Friendly,” which bans cards on the “Colossal List” in addition to the original Huge Leaders banned cards.

Powerlevel:Colossal is designed for competitive play, with very powerful cards flying around, sometimes resulting in a stalemate and emptiness. At this power level, you can even use cards that were once banned in Huge Leaders. Powerlevel:Friendly is designed as recommending for players who are new to Huge Leaders, as it is a format that bans cards that are a bit on the extreme side in Huge Leaders.

09/26/2024 Latest Colossal List