Latest updated(12/01/2024)

What is HugeLeaders?

Huge Leaders is an unofficial format that is a variation of one of the Magic the Gathering formats, Commander.
Same to Commander format, players choose a legendary creature card (or a planeswalker card that can be designated as Commander) and build their decks only with cards that correspond to the color identity of the commander. Huge difference with original format, you can only use land cards or cards with a mana value is 5 or more.

Of course, if you play only cards with 5 mana or more, you will have to face the fear of Mana screw in the early game. Therefore, Special rules are used to avoid this problem. The difference between the normal “Commander” and “HugeLeaders” rules can be seen in the [rules](. /rule/index.html). In addition, Huge Leaders defines two [Power levels] (. /powerlevels/index.html) are defined, so it is recommended to align the power levels among players in advance before starting the game.


The banned cards in HugeLeaders and clarification of rules are managed by Huge Leaders Committee.
Please direct any inquiries regarding the format to the above X(fka Twitter) or Discord.