04/01/2024 Banned and restricted announcement

Announcement Date:04/01/2024 Effective Date:04/01/2024

Beanstalk Wurm

To alleviate the disparity in mana acceleration between colors in Power Level: Friendly that we have mentioned since the last banned and restriction announcement, we are adding Beanstalk Wurm to the colossal list.

While most green mana acceleration cards require three mana to use and also require restrictions on construction, such as the number of basic lands, this card is strong because it requires only two mana and allows you to play Wasteland from the command zone.

Cards to watch

Currently, the committee is in need of information regarding the Conspiracy Unraveler that appeared in the Murders at Karlov Manor.

There is no doubt that it is powerful in Huge Leaders because of its effect and the Sphinx subtype, but on the other hand, I feel that there is too little “bad publicity” for this card. In extreme cases, if a card, no matter how powerful, is fun to use and be used, there is little need to ban or restrict it.